TB: Everything we have is not enough
25th September 2018
UCT Scientist Shine at NRF awards
28th September 2018The UCTLI celebrated Heritage Day (National Braai Day) on the 25 September 2018, in honour of the diversity which exists in our organisation.

Staff were encouraged to come dressed for the occasion and celebrate their individual heritage!
Delicious Biryani and Boerewors Rolls were also sold on the day and all proceeds were used to purchase much-needed care packs for the women and their infants at the Mater Domini Home (http://www.materdomini.net/ ) , whose main aim is to provide a safe and nurturing environment and support to women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy.

Some essential household appliances were also purchased to assist with daily meals.
Not all ladies were present when the packs were delivered, as some of them attend programmes, college or work. Those present, as well as the supervisory team, were extremely grateful for the donations and could not stop smiling!