Unit Head
Honorary Professor Rod Dawson
MBChB (Stell), FCP (SA), Cert. Pulm (SA)
Honorary Professor Rod Dawson established the Centre for Tuberculosis Research Innovation at the University of Cape Town Lung Institute in 2007. He is a qualified Consultant Pulmonologist and has a special interest in chest radiology, tuberculosis and HIV infection. Honorary Professor Rod Dawson was appointed Director of the University of Cape Town Lung Institute in 2016.
Centre for TB Research Innovation (CTBRI)
The mandate of the UCT Lung Institute is to address priority health issues through, education, research and service. Since 2008 CTBRI has conducted research into tuberculosis with focus areas of TB drug development, HIV/TB interaction, effects of smoking in TB and HIV and understanding adherence to medication in drug-resistant TB.
“Worldwide incidence of tuberculosis in 2019: 10 million cases”
“Worldwide 1,2 million deaths from tuberculosis”
“60% of deaths occur in only 6 countries: Malaysia, India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa”