Profile: Keertan Dheda – reflections on a career finding ways to fight TB
30th March 2022
Handover of two Ford Custom Transporter vehicles
28th April 2022UCT Lung Institute prides itself in having a strong partnership with the community we serve. Despite challenges faced amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 continued with a range of engagement activities. Following strict hygiene and COVID-19 safety protocols, our dedicated community engagement teams worked on outreach, awareness raising, knowledge sharing, training, and uplifting each other and the community.

Community Advisory Board (CAB) Meetings
UCT Lung Institute values the community-research partnership, and we have an active and dedicated board of community volunteers that meet on a regular basis. Monthly meetings and activities are a mechanism to have community representation in research activities. Five members of the CAB sit on the Executive (exco) board and serves as the leadership to the general board.

World TB Day
Commemorated over the month of March, UCTLI partners with the City of Cape Town Health Department, local recruiting clinics, the CAB, and other local NGOs to create awareness about TB and research. TB and HIV testing services are brought to the community at outreach events in efforts to increase case finding, especially given the decrease of accessing testing services noted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Guest speakers, music and entertainment, refreshments and spot prizes kept the community engaged throughout the various TB Day programs.

Recruiting Clinic Visits
The chief Recruiter/Community Liaison Officer travels to visit various recruiting clinics to keep an ongoing relationship with clinic staff members, especially TB room staff. Study and participant feedback and updates are given to staff and brief TB research talks are given to patients in the waiting area.

Youth Day
Youth Day was commemorated by our Youth Health ambassadors, with a focus on bringing awareness to pressing community concerns such as TB, HIV, substance abuse and teenage pregnancy. These adolescents are passionate about bringing positive changes to their communities and through their participation in the Lung Institute’s Youth program, they are empowered to act as leaders in engaging their peers about health and help-seeking behaviours.

Community Research Sensitization and TB/HIV Awareness
Many people from informal settlements are far removed from clinic services and travel expenses are often not on the list of priorities. UCT Lung Institute and CAB often work with clinics to bring basic services to the people which include TB, HIV, blood pressure, blood sugar, family planning, and deworming. The goal is to increase knowledge and understanding through engaging groups about TB, HIV, COVID and research.

CAB at community stakeholder events
CAB members are so passionate about their role and the value of research and engagement, they often speak about these topics at the various forums they form part of. One such event was at one of our partnering clinics, where CAB was invited to a Senior’s event and given a slot to talk about TB and research.
World HIV/AIDS Day
In commemoration of World AIDS Day, we partnered with a few local clinics to host awareness days where testing and other services are taken into the community as part of community outreach. Local NGOs joined and various health services were offered, including TB screening, HIV testing, substance awareness NGO, male circumcision, baby and toddler clinic, and family planning. Entertainment, refreshments, and spot prizes via lucky draws kept the community engaged for the day.

CAB Training
We believe in empowering our community volunteers through continuous training and support. UCT Lung Institute held a 2-day training retreat at Monkey Valley Resort, Noordhoek, where CAB members were given formal training on Good Participatory Practices and research literacy concepts. This was a valuable session as a refresher for old members, and a great learning opportunity for new members.

District TB Meetings
UCT Lung Institute is represented at quarterly district TB management meetings for both drug sensitive and drug resistant TB patients, hosted by the City of Cape Town. Meetings for quarter 1 – 3, 2021, was held virtually due to COVID-19 but face to face meetings resumed from quarter 4. UCTLI has a slot on the agenda where study updates, feedback and quarterly statistics are presented. This is also a valuable opportunity to strengthen our relationship with stakeholders.