Swoop on fake masks as new Covid-19 variant hits SA
20th December 2020
SA hits the nail on the head with its first choice of vaccine
7th January 2021SABC News – Dec 22, 2020
Nine months into the fight against the coronavirus pandemic South Africa’s cases stand at 930 711 with the national death toll at 24 907. The World Health Organisation says studies are being conducted in South Africa to determine the severity of the new variant of the virus that has been detected in the country. While the country is currently facing the second wave of the pandemic masks still remains an issue. Given the global shortage of N95 filtering face-piece respirators during the pandemic, KN95 masks were imported and distributed in South Africa. However, a recent study by Prof Keertan Dheda shows KN95 masks failed the stipulated safety thresholds associated with protection against airborne pathogens such as Covid-19. Dheda is a Professor of Medicine, Director of the Centre for Lung Infection and Immunity and an author of a medical Journal titled; KN95 filtering face-piece respirators distributed in South Africa fail safety testing protocols Prof Dheda now joins us For more news, visit sabcnews.com and also #SABCNews#Coronavirus#COVID19News on Social Media.
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