South Africans now smoke rooibos, but a lung expert won’t recommend it
17th May 2020
New devices set to protect healthcare workers’ lives from Covid-19
25th May 2020POWER 98.7 – POWER Lunch – Published May 18, 2020 3:50 PM
Desperate for cigarettes and tobacco, some smokers have turned to smoking tea, with mixed results. It has been illegal to buy and sell cigarettes since the start of the national lockdown, on 27 March. This has resulted in smokers coming up with creative ways of getting their fix, or paying up to R200 to illegally procure a box of cigarettes. Some smokers have been advising those who are going through nicotine withdrawals to smoke teas such as rooibos and green tea paired with Nicorettes to wean themselves off smoking, Mpho speaks to professor Keertan Dheda, Director of the Centre for Lung Infection and Immunity at UCT as to whether this is safe, if it really helps or it’s a placebo effect?
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